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Delta X G2/6

Delta X G2/6

Regular price $ 373,780.00 MXN
Regular price Sale price $ 373,780.00 MXN
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Delta X G2/6

General features

  • Quickly and reliably detects all kinds of RF listening devices, including analog, digital, constantly existing and intermittent, sending audio or video, with or without encryption
  • Finds hidden surveillance devices employing the digital standards GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE, 5G(<6GHz) Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, DECT, etc.
  • Detects illegal information transmission in AC, telephone, Ethernet, alarm and other wires as well as in the infrared range with the help of the supplied Multifunction Probe
  • Can work in instant detection mode, guarding mode, locating mode and car tracker detection
  • Has a 20-50 times higher sensitivity and detection distance compared to conventional RF detectors and near-field receivers
  • Real-time spectrum analysis gives the ability to detect short-burst signals such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile devices within just a few seconds
  • Automatic antenna selection provides high sensitivity and detection distance on all frequency bands
  • Can monitor the RF environment 24 hours a day with data logging
  • Capable of detecting covert bugging devices with an accumulation function and transmitters hidden within the spectrums of other signals
  • Supports storage of an unlimited quantity of signals. Full information is stored in the log and can be reviewed during the detection, or at a later time. Multiple logs are supported.
  • Demodulation of audio in FM, AM, USB, LSB, CW (adjustable BW 3…240 kHz)
  • Alarm relay output can activate external devices when a dangerous signal is detected (turn on a CCTV system, for example)
  • Powered from the laptop’s or tablet’s USB

Features of the new generation

  • New portable design – the device is reliably mated with the laptop or tablet and moved during the detecting and locating process
  • The laptop or tablet is attached with the help of the magnetic holders
  • Side handles are used for carrying
  • All antennas are fixed to the main unit
  • Carrying case is in the supplied set


What it is: a portable system controlled by a laptop computer or tablet

  • The high capacity of the hard drive enables full data logging during the detection (24/7 possible)
  • Wider screen is more convenient for analysis
  • Compatible with touch screens
  • Magnetic holders provide reliable attachment of the laptop/tablet to the unit while the side handles make it easy to carry the entire system

Handling of the mobile and wireless bands GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G/LTE, 5G(<6GHz), DECT, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.

  • Mobile and wireless signals are detected simultaneously with analog transmissions
  • Mobile/wireless signals are detected with the use of individual thresholds and are displayed separately from other signals
  • Activities within each band are stored as one signal with a certain danger level to avoid excessive records in the Signals table and to locate the sources with a hopping frequency
  • Additional sweepings on the “short-burst” bands are performed to increase the probability of interception of such signals as GSM, 3G, 4G, 5G(<6GHz), DECT, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.
  • External interference from neighboring mobile phones and Wi-Fi routers can be rejected with the help of the thresholds
  • The supplied data files allow the operator to adjust the system to the mobile/wireless bands employed in the country of use

Sensitivity and detection distance

  • The built-in spectrum analyzer has 20-50 times higher sensitivity and detection distance compared to conventional RF detectors and near-field receivers
  • Resistant to interference – sensitivity remains high regardless of the proximity to wireless routers, cordless phones, mobile phones, TV towers, radio broadcasting and mobile communications

Support of the “Known signals” table

  • The operator can easily distinguish between safe and dangerous signals
  • The TV frequencies employed in the country of use can be quickly imported from the supplied data files
  • The FM, VHF/UHF police and municipal channels can be collected and stored for further us

Advanced signal recognition method

  • The signals are automatically recognized in the spectrum traces and inserted or updated in the Signals table
  • Both analogue and digital signals are captured with an assigning of a corresponding Danger level

Unique algorithm of measuring the signal’s Danger level

  • Uses a combination of the reference trace and individual thresholds for mobile/wireless bands
  • Takes into consideration both the signal’s strength and bandwidth
  • Works for both analogue and digital signals including transmissions with a changing frequency
  • Is used during the locating procedure and provides more reliable results compared to the traditional “signal strength” method.

Low demands on the operator’s level of knowledge

  • The system can be prepared for detection with the help of the “Update Masks” procedure within a few minutes
  • Manual handing of spectrum traces is not necessary
  • Everything is done automatically after the detection starts
  • The operator is warned by an audio alarm when a dangerous signal is detected

Data logging

  • All the spectrum traces and alarms are logged during detection
  • The situation at any given time can be reviewed and studied
  • 24 hours a day logging provides detection of periodically working/remotely controlled bugging devices

Tracking of the signal’s activity

  • The full history of each separate signal, or of all signals simultaneously, is displayed on the Alarms graph
  • The events at any given time can be reviewed by simply clicking on the graph
  • The operator can see the duration of an activity and as such distinguish between any interference and real danger

The Waterfall and Persistence graphs

  • Both the present and previous measurements at any given time can be displayed
  • The displayed time interval (density) is selectable in the range of 2 minutes to 6 hours

Car Tracker Detector mode

  • The monitoring of mobile bands can detect signals from GPS trackers hidden within a vehicle

Working modes

  • Rich visual representation: Spectrogram/Persistence, Waterfall, Alarms graph
  • The Known Signals table allows the system to reject TV, FM and other “friendly” signals while maintaining high sensitivity to unknown signals.
  • The Detector and Locator allow the operator to perform location of a bugging device with both visual and audio notification
  • The Alarm Threshold decreases the false alarm rate
  • The Hold Max Danger feature selects and shows the strongest signals for their location as the system is moved during detection
  • The Update Mask procedure allows the operator to quickly adjust the system to the local RF environment in order to reject safe signals
  • Sorting and filtering is supported in the Signals table
  • The Report function allows the operator to export all obtained information about the desired signals
  • Is easily localizable to any language

Functions of the software

  • Stop/View Log
    Review of the detection results stored in the log. The Signals table, Spectrogram, Waterfall and Alarms graph give full information about the detected signals and alarm events
  • Update masks
    Quick preparation for detection – the system automatically accumulates the broadcasting and other safe signals existing in the area in order to pass over them during the subsequent detection
  • RF Sweep
    The main detection mode. Provides maximum reaction time and the highest sensitivity. The operator can move the system or its antenna during the detection.
  • Guard 24/7
    Rejection of short transmissions and usage of two antennas reduces false alarms in this mode. Suitable for 24 hour detection without unwanted false alarms
  • Car Tracker Detector
    Detection of vehicle mounted GPS trackers transmitting the coordinates via mobile networks
  • Probe
    Checking of AC, Ethernet, Telephone and Alarm wires and the infrared/low frequency for the presence of unwanted bugging signals
  • Signal Analyzer
    Analysis, demodulation and physical locating of detected signals
  • Settings
    Includes the general settings and information about the mobile networks and wireless bands existing in the area as well as the known signals table


  • Frequency range: 9 kHz – 6GHz
  • Update rate: 2GHz-3GHz/sec
  • Reaction time (How quickly a dangerous signal is detected): 2-3 sec
  • Format: Handheld unit
  • Probe input: PROBE
  • Occupied disk space per 24 hours: < 12 Gb
  • Spectrum resolution: 9.8 kHz
  • Temperature Range: 0°C to +65°C
  • Demands on laptop/tablet (Not included in the standard supplied set):
    Intel Core i3 / AMD Ryzen 3 or higher (Intel Core i5 / AMD Ryzen 5 recommended)
    1 x USB 3.0/3.1/3.2 (or USB Type C)
    1 x USB 2.0 (or USB Type C)
    RAM 8 Gb or more
    SSD 128 Gb or more
    Windows 7, 8, 10 or newer
    Screen 12-14″
  • Displayed dynamic range: -90…-10 dBm
  • Displayed spectrum spans: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 6000 MHz
  • Spectrum graphs: Spectrogram, Waterfall
  • Spectrogram’s displayed data: Persistence, Live, Max, Threshold
  • Detector’s modes: Wide-Range, Signal, Selection
  • Updated spectrum span: RF Sweep, Guard 24/7: broadband Signal Analyzer: displayed, selected, real-time Car Tracker Detector: mobile bands
  • Fields of ‘Signals’ table: Frequency, Bandwidth, Name, dbm Level, dbm Peak Level, Danger Level, Peak Danger Level
  • Fields of ‘Bands’ table:Begin, End, Name, Type, Threshold, Priority, Tracker detection
  • Fields of ‘Known Signals’ table: Frequency, BW, Name, Modulation

Supplied set

  • Main unit with the built-in spectrum analyzer and RF switcher
  • Carry case
  • Software Delta X on a USB drive
  • ODA-4 – omnidirectional wideband antenna with screw and 20 cm cable
  • MWA-6 – microwave antenna with screw and 20 cm cable
  • Multifunction Probe with cables (high-voltage cable, low-voltage cable, 2 m coaxial cable)
  • In-line modular adapter
  • Set of accessories (USB Type C to USB Type A adapter – 2, angle USB adapter – 2, magnetic stickers for laptop/tablet – 4)





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Size 17 M